Coffee Law:Crystallization

2023 德國 紅點設計獎 Red DotDesignAward
年度最佳設計大獎 Best of the Best

2023 臺灣 金點設計獎 Golden Pin Design Award

TINTA Taiwan Interior New Talent Award 金邸獎

2023 臺灣 金邸獎 TINTA (Taiwan Interior New Talent Award)

TID Taiwan Interior Design Award 台灣室內設計大獎

2023 臺灣 室內設計大獎 Taiwan Interior Design Award

靈感起源 Design Statement


The 3-month pop-up cafe is located in a gutted, soon-to-be-demolished building. Using deconstruction as method, basic building materials are applied to meld with the original rough-looking environment of impending demolition. Not only is the result time- and cost-efficient, the sustainable materials and repurposed space also offer an example of urban regeneration.

委託方 Coffee Law,欲將喝咖啡一事連結都市再生展覽,聯手連雲建設,啟用拆遷前閒置之際的舊建物,善盡空間效用、回饋社區。設計結果應能代表城市發展的過渡階段,因此以「結晶」做視覺原型,藉小單元的立方體鍍鋅鋼鐵創造角度,連結晶體意象,又以材料受光面和燈帶運用形塑輕冷感,傳遞如雪花因環境遷動而產生的短暫肅冷之美。

Client Coffee Law aimed to connect the act of having coffee with the urban regeneration exhibition. They worked with Lienyu Group to exploit the idle building before demolition, all while contributing to the local community. The outcome is supposed to demonstrate the transitional phase of the urban regeneration project, so crystallization was chosen as a visual prototype. The angles created by the small steel units, the cold, agile look of the light fixtures, and the reflections off various materials, all draw association with the cold and short-lived image of the snowflake.


The choice of recyclable steel units is inspired by the deconstruction of the space. It amplifies the exposed structure, demonstrates versatility, and aims to realize a sustainable circular economy.